Elder Update
As was announced at the end of service on March 24th, after four years of prayer and serious discussion by our elders, RHCC has requested to withdraw its membership from the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) denomination. Below are answers to a few questions you may have.
Why are we requesting to leave the denomination?
Unfortunately, today we find ourselves to no longer be aligned with our denomination, and thus we have made the difficult decision to resign our membership with the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination. These theological differences are not something that have just recently developed, they have been clearly present for the last couple of decades, and unfortunately, the gap between RHCC and the denomination only continues to widen. For over 65 years, RHCC has continued to hold to most of the same conservative theological convictions we have always had, while our denomination has slowly changed some of its views it has held over the years.
Because of our biblical convictions, our elders have been told by multiple leaders of the ECC that, unless we were to change our view on a number of key theological issues, RHCC will not be able to ordain our pastors or be able to plant any churches. In fact, if RHCC were to apply for membership into our own denomination today, we would not likely be granted membership.
Because of our biblical convictions, our elders have been told by multiple leaders of the ECC that, unless we were to change our view on a number of key theological issues, RHCC will not be able to ordain our pastors or be able to plant any churches. In fact, if RHCC were to apply for membership into our own denomination today, we would not likely be granted membership.
What will change at the church?
To put it short, nothing. Our vision and mission as a church will continue to be the same. We will continue to build upon the ministries we have. We will continue to be one of the top missions churches in the nation, supporting all the same missionaries we are supporting today. And most importantly, we will continue to proclaim the Word of God without any shame or pressure to bend to what our culture says the church is supposed to be.
Will we be changing our name?
We have no plans to change the name of our church. The word covenant in our name is not just a reference to our historical denominational roots, but more importantly it is a biblical truth. It is a covenant promise between God and His people.
In the Bible, a covenant is a promise made by God to His people:
In the Bible, a covenant is a promise made by God to His people:
- In Genesis 9:11 God says to Noah: "I establish my covenant with you . . . and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth"
- -In Genesis 17:2, 4 God says to Abraham: "I will make my covenant between me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly . . . you shall be the father of a multitude of nations"
- In Exodus 34:10 God says to Moses: "Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been wrought in all the earth"
- And lastly in Psalm 89:3-4. God says to David: "I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, I will establish your descendants forever, I will build your throne for all generations"
Does RHCC have any outstanding loans to the ECC?
No, RHCC owns, without debt, all of our church property and assets.
Will we be seeking to join another denomination?
We are prayerfully considering whether or not we will join another denomination or go the path that many churches choose when they leave a denomination, which is to be non-denominational. For the time being, we will be a non-denominational church.
If you have any additional questions, we encourage you to speak with an elder after service or email us at elders@rhcc.net. Please continue to pray for our elders, pastors and staff as we seek to Bring the Truth of God’s Word into Every Corner of Every Life.