Although you are free to drop in, we encourage students to register ahead of time so we know you're coming!
What is RAD?
RAD is our Wednesday night youth group for Junior High and High School students. As leaders, we believe we are here to teach the truth of who Jesus is. And that truth is radical. Not only is that truth radical, but we want to be radically on fire for Him. We are in Relationship with Him and creating young Disciples which is what Wednesday night Youth Group is all about.

We believe relationship is at the heart of who we are as believers. RAD is a place for youth to grow in a number of essential relationships in their lives. Having a relationship with Jesus is our number one goal for all students in RAD. Alongside this goal, students will develop important relationships with peers, to build them up and help them grow in the Lord, as well as relationships with their leaders, who can provide Godly example and wisdom for their lives.
We believe discipleship is the bridge between young, new believers and mature, believing adults. Students are discipled through sound, biblical teaching and mentorship from their leaders. Disciples are constantly growing in the depth of their love for the Lord, understanding of the Lord’s love for them, and desire to model Christ in their lives. At RAD, students grow towards living in full dependence and devotion to Christ, just as his disciples did 2,000 years ago.

Join us Sunday mornings at 11am downstairs in rooms 180 & 181 for snacks, games, a message, and more! Jump-Start meets every week except the first Sunday of every month when we encourage students to worship with their family.
No need to register, just show up on Sunday morning. Hope to see you there!
No need to register, just show up on Sunday morning. Hope to see you there!
Special Needs Class
We're excited to announce the launch of a class for our differently-abled students! Our heart for this class is to provide safe and fun Sunday morning experience for teens with special needs, where they can learn and grow, allowing their parents to fully engage in the Sunday morning service. There are also opportunities for serving for high schoolers to serve on Sundays in our special needs class.
Contact Connor Miller for more information.
Contact Connor Miller for more information.
Safety & Security
Your student's safety is our highest priority. When students and parents feel safe, they are free to learn more about God's love. All of our volunteers and staff have completed a criminal background check, child abuse awareness training, and are trained to serve. Additionally, no adult is permitted to work alone in any setting with a minor.
Meet our team